Sir Frederick Grant Banting – co-discoverer of insulin
Sir Frederick Grant Banting was a Canadian physician and physiologist, one of the discoverers of insulin. In 1923 he and John McLeod were laureates of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Banting became the youngest Nobel Prize winner in Physiology or Medicine Prize – at the time of the award he was 32 years old. Frederick gave half of his part of the Nobel Prize to his assistant Charles Best. In 1934 Frederick was knighted by George V.
World Diabetes Day is celebrated on his birthday – 14 November.
He was a leader in other fields of medical research, including suprarenal cortex, cancer, silicosis, and aviation medicine.
Frederick Grant Banting was born on November 14, 1891 in Alliston, Ontario, Canada. He was the youngest of five children into the family of William Thompson and Margaret Grant Banting.
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