Jane Austen – famous author
Jane Austen was the first English woman to become a famous author. She was one of the most important novelists of the 19th century. She was one of the major writers of the age of Romanticism. Although her novels received favorable reviews, she was not celebrated as an author during her lifetime.
Jane was born on December 16, 1775 in Steventon, Hampshire. She was one of eight children and began writing as a child to entertain her family. One of her brothers, Henry, was to later become her literary agent. Her books were about the daily lives of middle-class people in Bath, Bristol, London and the English countryside.
In 1795, she fell in love with Tom Lefroy, a student studying in London. Lefroy’s family, seeking a richer bride, intervened and sent Tom away. Jane was never to see him any more.
In 1801 she moved to Bath with her father, her mother, and her only sister, Cassandra. In 1805, her father died and the three women moved to Southampton and in 1809 to the village of Chawton.
In 1802 Jane received a proposal of marriage from Mr. Bigg-Wither. However, she felt no true love for him and rejected the proposal.
Her first novel, Sense and Sensibility, was published in 1811. Pride and Prejudice, her most famous novel, followed in 1813.
During 1797-1798 Austen wrote Northanger Abbey, which was published posthumously. Persuasion, begun in 1815, was also published posthumously.
In 1811 Jane Austen began Mansfield Park, which was published in 1814. Shortly before Mansfield Park was published, Jane Austen began a new novel, Emma, and published it in 1816.
Jane never married, but received at least one proposal and led an active and happy life.
In 1817 Jane Austen moved to Winchester. She died on July 18, 1817.
A lot of her novels were adapted into films and TV shows.
Jane Austen – famous author
Films about Jane Austen
2002 – The real Jane Austen. Directed by Nicky Pattinson, Gillian Kearney in the role of Jane.
2007 – Miss Austen Regrets. Directed by Jeremy Lovering, Olivia Williams in the role of Jane.
2007 – Jane Austen. Directed by Julian Jarrold, Anne Hathaway in the role of Jane.
2013 – Austenland. Directed by Jerusha Hess, Keri Russell in the title role. A young woman is fond of Austen’s novels. She goes to a theme park Austenland in England to feel the atmosphere of favorite books.