Evangeline Adams predicted world wars
The name Evangeline Adams is almost forgotten today. But in the first half of the last century, she was a very popular astrologer. Adams was also engaged in palmistry and, probably, had remarkable parapsychological abilities. For several decades, she was able to predict many significant events, including those on a global scale.
Adams was born in 1868. The media first wrote about her in 1899, when an unknown prophetess from Boston predicted a terrible fire at the Windsor Hotel in New York. In March of that year, she took a trip to New York and stayed at the expensive hotel located on Fifth Avenue. After reading horoscope of the hotel’s owner Evangeline was horrified: it was clear that in the very near future this man would be in trouble and adversity… When the hotel burned to the ground the next day and the wife and daughter of the owner died, Adams’ career went up sharply.
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